In this series I will focus on the delivery & customization of the Windows 11 (Enterprise) operating system.
I would usually deploy Windows 10 LTSC within a school environment, however, at the point of writing this there is currently no LTSC version of Windows 11 available.
I will add to this list over time but please find a list of posts below which you can read through to customize your Windows 11 environment, or use to build your Standard Operating Environment.
Customization of WIM file & removal of built-in apps
I used WIMWitch to remove the following apps from the ISO/WIM file. I then imported the customized WIM file into ConfigMgr/SCCM to deploy it via a task sequence. This can also be imported into WDS/MDT if this is your preferred deployment platform.
I removed the following apps:
- Clipchamp
- Microsoft.BingNews
- Microsoft.BingWeather
- Microsoft.GamingApp
- Microsoft.GetHelp
- Microsoft.GetStarted
- Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub
- Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection
- Microsoft.People
- Microsoft.MicrosoftPowerAutomateDesktop
- Microsoft.ToDos
- Microsoft.WindowsAlarms
- Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub
- Microsoft.WindowsTerminal
- Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI
- Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay
- Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay
- Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider
- Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay
- Microsoft.YourPhone
- Microsoft.ZuneMusic
- Microsoft.ZuneVideo
- Microsoft.QuickAssist
Deployment using ConfigMgr Task Sequence
To deploy the WIM file I used ConfigMgr along with a task sequence. The task sequence was very basic and carried out the following actions:
- Joined the workstation to the Active Directory domain
- Moved the object into a specific OU
- Installed a few apps (Such as Microsoft Office & the ConfigMgr Client)
Core customization using Group Policy
- Always wait for the network at computer startup and logon
- Create local ‘Resources’ folder on workstation
- Apply desktop background
- Apply lock screen background
- Hide Network Shortcut in File Explorer
- Hide C:\ drive icon from File Explorer
- Hide task view button from taskbar
- Hide chat button from taskbar
- Remove recommended section from start menu
- Remove Run from the start menu
- Remove widgets
- Disable task manager
- Remove Mapped drive options from File explorer
- Disable Store access
- Remove recently opened documents from File Explorer